

In the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, thanks to the wise and far-sighted policy of Esteemed President of Turkmenistan, grandiose transformations are taking place in all spheres of society.  One of the priority directions of the country's development is the radical transformation and innovative development of the national education system.  Due to the support of the Head of the State, a deep modernization of the education sphere is being implemented in accordance with international standards, which creates all the conditions for quality education and upbringing of the young generation. 

 Large-scale reforms cover all levels of education: from preschools to universities.  An important place in these transformations is the introduction of modern educational technologies, which allows to ensure a high level of training of specialists who are able to make a significant contribution to the further development of our Motherland.

 The opening of modern educational complexes, new schools, universities, research centers, equipping them with advanced technologies give our youth the opportunity to acquire knowledge at the world level.  One of the key aspects of educational reforms is the implementation of complex concepts in the instruction of languages.  Today, all the conditions for learning foreign languages have been created in Turkmenistan, which contributes to the active integration of our country into the world community.  The rapid development of the education system is the key to the guarantee that the young generation will be able to continue the traditions of their ancestors and actively participate in great initiatives aimed at strengthening the well-being of the people and the prosperity of the country.

 As a representative of the educational system, I am proud to make a modest contribution to the upbringing and education of the younger generation.  I want to express my deep gratitude to the Honorable President Arkadagly Hero Serdar for the high appreciation of my work and the award medal "For Love of the Motherland".  For me, it's not just a badge of honor, it's an incentive to work even harder, inspire young people to achieve new successes in their studies and continue to improve in their profession.  Receiving this award is a huge honour and responsibility.  I am happy that I can contribute to the development of our great country and raise a new generation of patriots who will continue the glorious traditions of their ancestors.

 Many years of pedagogical experience convinces that education and upbringing are the ways to the prosperity of the nation and the country.  I am proud to be a part of this great work for the sake of the bright future!  I want to assure the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and the Esteemed President Arkadagly Hero Serdar that we will continue to work inspired for the glory of our beloved Motherland!