
1. General provisions

1.1. These Regulations regulate the work of the scientific and
methodological Magazine “Issues of Philology” (hereinafter referred to as the
Electronic Magazine) of Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of
World Languages of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan (hereinafter
referred to as the Institute).
1.2. The establishment, distribution of the Electronic Magazine, the
requirements imposed on it, and the placement of articles in it are based on the
Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Laws of Turkmenistan “On Mass Media”, “On
Publishing Activities”, “On State Scientific and Technical Policy”, "On Legal
Regulation of the Development of the Internet and the Provision of Internet
Services in Turkmenistan", “On State Youth Policy”, these Regulations and other
normative legal acts.
1.3. Electronic Magazine is established for the purpose of wide
popularization of scientific research conducted in our country in the priority
directions of science in the international space, guiding by the objectives of
realising the measures envisaged in the “Programme of the President of
Turkmenistan for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2022-
2028” and determined in the “Programme for the Transfer of Science in
Turkmenistan to a Digital System for 2020-2025” approved by the Decree of the
President of Turkmenistan No. 1723 of March 26, 2020 in the section
“Establishment and regular improvement of electronic scientific and scientific-
methodological magazines in the Internet”, and is distributed in the electronic
format via the Internet. The editorial board of the Electronic Magazine consists of
the scientists, specialists, professors and teachers of the national and foreign higher
educational establishments and scientific and research institutions. The electronic
magazine is published in Turkmen, English and Russian with frequency of edition
once per quarter.
1.4. The title of the Electronic Magazine is in Turkmen: “Filologiýanyň
meseleleri”; in English: “Issues of Philology”; in Russian: “
1.5. The Electronic Magazine publishes innovative scientific articles on
modern humanities, mainly on the issues of linguistics, literary criticism, social
sciences, teaching methods, translation and translation studies, and pedagogy
written in the scientific and research institutions, in the higher and secondary
vocational educational establishments of our country, including Dovletmammet

Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages, as well as the works
completed on the personal initiative of the citizens, graduate students, doctoral
students, applicants and other interested persons in the topical directions of
science, having a positive review. The Magazine may publish works of the
prominent foreign scientists.
1.6. The Electronic Magazine is posted on the website
by the Information and Computer Center of the Institute.
1.7. The archives of the Electronic Magazine is stored on the Institute’s
1.8. Copyrights for the articles published in the Electronic Magazine are
determined by the current legislation of Turkmenistan. When using the articles
published in the Electronic Magazine, a reference to them is obligatory.
1.9. The establisher and publisher of the Electronic Magazine is
Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages (editing
and registration in the appropriate authorities can be performed on a contractual
basis with the institution providing publishing services).
1.10. The relationship between the user of the materials of the Electronic
Magazine and the electronic publication is determined by the Institute; the
materials are placed in a convenient order and access for quick search is provided.
1.11. Juridical address of the Electronic Magazine is Building 47, Aba
Annaev Street, Ashgabat.

2. Establishment, improvement and liquidation of the Electronic Magazine
2.1. The Rector of the Institute, in coordination with the Ministry of
Education of Turkmenistan, issues an order on the establishment of the Electronic
2.2. The Electronic Magazine is registered in accordance with the Law of
Turkmenistan “On Mass Media” and other normative acts.
2.3. By the order of the Rector of the Institute, work is carried out to
determine the membership of the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine and to
introduce changes to the membership of the editorial board to improve the
Magazine, and scientific directions are determined.
2.4. The Institute, in coordination with the Ministry of Education of
Turkmenistan, carries out work on distributing the Electronic Magazine.
2.5. The procedure for the reorganization and liquidation of the Electronic
Magazine is carried out in accordance with the in current legislation of
3. Requirements for the Electronic Magazine and the procedure for its


3.1. The Electronic Magazine is made available to readers via the Internet.

3.2. The electronic Magazine is located at the electronic address . Electronic file:žurnal.
3.3. The following shall be indicated on the reverse side of the title page of
the Electronic Magazine:
– information about the establisher of the Magazine;
– title;
– output data;
– classification index;
– state registration number;
– international standard number (after receiving the number);
– conventional copyright protection number.
3.4. The Electronic Magazine is published in Turkmen, English and Russian.
3.5. The Editorial board of the Electronic Magazine is formed from the
scientists and other specialists who have an academic degree in the relevant
direction of science.
3.6. The copyright sign -©, the name of the copyright holder, and the year of
publication are indicated in each issue of the Electronic Magazine and in this work
are based on the international intellectual property law.
3.7. The names of the participants of the establishment of the Electronic
Magazine (members of the editorial board, editor and others), full last and first
names, academic title, academic degree, position, place of work/study (name of the
institution), title, publication data, serial number of the international standard,
copyright protection number are given in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant standards.
3.8. The output data of the Electronic Magazine shall indicate the name of
the publisher, its postal and e-mail address, registration number, etc.
3.9. An article proposed for publication in the Electronic Magazine is sent to
two independent experts or specialists for a review. The competence of the
reviewers is determined by the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine. The
author is not informed of the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers are not
informed of the author's name. Basing on the reviews, the editorial board of the
Electronic Magazine makes a decision on the publication or rejection of the article
or its revision. The original reviews are stored by the editorial board for 3 years
since the date of publication of the Electronic Magazine. The procedure for
accepting publications and reviewing, as well as the rules for authors, are posted on
the portal of the Electronic Magazine. The abstract and key words of the article to
be published are compiled and formatted in accordance with the relevant
3.10. The numbering of the Electronic Magazine starts anew every year. In
addition to the current numbers, a serial number since the date of the establishment
is given (gross numbering): a gross number is indicated after the current number in
3.11. The Electronic Magazine is provided in accordance with the
international standards.

3.12. Articles published in the Electronic Magazine are stored in the
electronic resources and are protected by a copyright. All relations are regulated by
the legislation of Turkmenistan and relevant standards.

4. Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Magazine

4.1. The duties of the editor-in-chief of the Electronic Magazine are
performed by the Rector of the Institute (or a specialist appointed by his order).
4.2. Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Magazine:
– appoints the executive secretary or editor of the Magazine;
– carries out general scientific management of the Magazine;
– determines the membership of the editorial board;
– exercises control over the content and volume of the Magazine, scientific
nature of the articles, and quality of the publication;
–organizes the involvement of prominent scientists and specialists from
other scientific institutions to improve the quality of the Magazine and to improve
– maintains regular creative contacts with the scientific community of the
country, readership and authors;
– provides material and technical support to the editorial office, determines
the order of its activities, and the time of the publication of the Magazine;
– represents the editorial board in the relations with the legal entities of our
and foreign countries;
– on behalf of the editorial board, concludes contracts and agreements and
ensures their implementation.

5. Editorial board of the Electronic Magazine

5.1 . The membership of the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine is
approved by the order of the Rector of the Institute in coordination with the
Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.
5.2. The Editorial board of the Electronic Magazine is headed by the Editor-
5.3. The Editorial board of the Electronic Magazine makes a decision on the
publication or rejection of an article submitted to the Magazine or on its revision.
5.4. On behalf of the editor-in-chief, it carries out a work on scientific
editing of articles;
5.5. It develops a working plan for the editorial board and proposes new
directions for its activities.
5.6. It is responsible for the preparation and publication of the Electronic
5.7. The members of the editorial board participate in the discussion of the
content of each issue of the Magazine. Decisions of the meeting are taken by a
simple majority of votes of the participants, provided that two-thirds of the board
members are present.

6. Editorial Board of the Electronic Magazine

6.1. The appointment and dismissal of the editorial board of the Electronic
Magazine is carried out by the order of the Rector of the Institute.
6.2. The editorial board of the Electronic Magazine carries out its activities
on the basis of the Charter of Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of
World Languages and these Regulations, decisions of the editor-in-chief, the
editorial board, as well as standards of technical conditions and other normative
acts on the electronic publication.
6.3. Acceptance, registration, referral for review, editing of incoming
articles, layout of the electronic Magazine, its registration with the appropriate
authorities, quality control, ensuring distribution of the publication are carried out
by the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine (some types of work may be
performed on a contractual basis with an institution providing publishing services).
6.4. The editorial board of the Electronic Magazine designs pages, develops
and implements Magazine navigation, carries out important activities for portal
management, information protection and computer security, keeps records of the
statistical data on the visits to the Magazine portal (in general and its individual
articles in particular) and informs the editor-in-chief about this.
6.5. The Institute provides material and technical support to the editorial
office of the Electronic Magazine.

7. Publisher of the Electronic Magazine

7.1. The publisher of the Electronic Magazine is Dovletmammet Azadi
Turkmen National Institute of World Languages (editing and registration with the
appropriate authorities can be carried out on a contractual basis with the institution
providing publishing services).
7.2. Publisher of the Electronic Magazine – Institute:
– organizes electronic publishing activities, carries out network management
of the information server Magazine of the;
– creates the material and technical conditions for the proper operation of the
Electronic Magazine.

8. Procedure for preparation and submission of articles

8.1. The procedure for preparing articles is carried out in accordance with
the regulations for the preparation and submission of scientific articles for the
publication in the Electronic Magazine of the Institute.
8.2. The procedure for accepting and preparing articles by the Institute is
regulated by these Regulations.
8.3. Articles are accepted by the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine
of the Institute and sent for review to the experts of the scientific institutions of our
country who have a doctoral or candidate academic degree, or specialists in this

field. The period for sending articles for review shall not exceed 2 days, and the
review period shall not exceed 2 weeks.
8.4. The Editor-in-chief of the Electronic Magazine presents the reviewed
articles to the members of the editorial board, and they recommend them for
publication. If, together with a positive review, there are recommendations for
correcting the article, the author is acquainted with them and required to correct
them. The author is to be acquainted with the final version of the article proposed
for publication and it is to be agreed upon with him.
8.5. Articles that are not properly formatted or not approved by the members
of the editorial board are not recommended for publication; the author is not
notified of this, and the article is not returned.
8.6. Full or partial copying of data is possible only with the written
permission of the editorial board of the Electronic Magazine, as well as with a
direct reference to the source.