The meeting “Learning languages- strengthening of friendships of nations”

A meeting called "Learning languages - strengthening of friendship of nations" was held in order to study the results of Turkmen-Korean cooperation in the field of education, study of the Korean language, linguistics and the experience of the Republic of Korea in this field with the participation of the professor Lee Minhee of Kangwon University of the Republic of Korea, who participated in the international exhibition and scientific conference entitled "Health care, education and sports during the Epoch of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State" held in Ashgabat, together with professors and students of the Korean language department of Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages.  During the meeting, Professor Lee Minhee mentioned that she visited Turkmenistan for the first time and praised the beauty and purity of the marble city of Ashgabat.  Moreover, giving a detailed introduction of Kangwon University, she emphasized that the students of Dovletmammamet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages  are able to continue their studies at Kangwon University.  During the meeting, students have asked interesting for them questions and experienced unforgettable memories with the professor.