Professional excellence

  During the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State, under the leadership of our Esteemed President the scope of the international cooperation of the country is expanding. Close and effective political and economic, as well as cultural and humanitarian relations with the countries of the world are being actively developed. 

As Japan is one of the reliable and strategic partners of Turkmenistan, the traditional Turkmen-Japanese friendly bilateral relations have reached a qualitatively new level and are gaining great development at the international level.

Moreover, our Honorable President Arkadagly Hero Serdar notes with pleasure that Japan remains to be one of the reliable partners of Turkmenistan and that Turkmen-Japanese relations have fruitful, harmonious and traditionally friendly nature.

Cultural-humanitarian relations are also one of the priority areas of intergovernmental cooperation. In this regard, this cooperation is considered to be important in revealing national values, rich traditions with history stretching to many centuries and introducing them to the public. The exchange of experience in this system ensures the enrichment of cooperation in innovative ways.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan conducts examinations under the program "Japanese Language and Japanese Culture" for foreign students in various countries every year. The Japanese Embassy in Turkmenistan held an exam for the 2024-2025 academic year in the capital of our country, Ashgabat, on February 25, 2024. The students of the Japanese language major of  Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages took part in the exam along with other citizens of Turkmenistan. According to the results of the exams, Payranov Myratgylych, a student of group YPD 301, Orazdurdiyev Myrat and Sapageldiyev Eziz, students of group YPD 202, of Japanese language major of the Oriental Languages and Literature Faculty, successfully passed the exams and got the right to study for a year in Japanese higher education institutions.

The students of the Japanese language major of our institute have been studying the subtle secrets of the Japanese language and Japanese culture at various higher education institutions in Japan for several years. Our students Myrat Payranov and Myrat Orazdurdyev will study at Soka University of Tokyo, as well as Sapageldiyev Eziz will study at Tokyo University of Foreign Languages during 2024-2025 academic year.