Seminar on "Strategies for the Development of Higher Educational Institutions: Achieving a High Level in the International QS and THE Rankings".

Under the leadership of the Esteemed President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and initiatives of our Hero Arkadag, the issue of improving the system of science and education and bringing it into line with world standards, is one of the priority directions of the state policy of our country. Our Scientist Arkadag demands that the work of research institutions be carried out in accordance with the programs of higher educational institutions of the country, and the achievements of domestic science be widely introduced into production.

The Esteemed President who says “In the new historical period, our main goal is to gather our national principles, read, study, work hard and spread the glory of our beloved Motherland to the world,” is very concerned about improving the education and science system in our beloved country, raising the level of education of young people to the level of world standards.

In accordance with the main directions of improving the training of foreign language teachers, the professional qualifications of teachers are constantly being improved. International cooperation between scientific and educational centers of foreign countries is expanding.

This is clearly demonstrated by the participation of representatives of Turkmenistan in the seminar "Strategies for the Development of Higher Educational Institutions: Achieving a High Level in the International QS and THE Rankings", held on September 19-20, 2024, and organized by the Delegation of the European Union Erasmus+ Program in Uzbekistan jointly with the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the aim of introducing practical indicators of compliance with international quality standards for higher educational institutions and the exchange of experience.  

Along with Uzbekistan, the seminar was held with the participation of experts from the higher educational systems of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, and Shohruh Daliyev, First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Aziza Abdurahmanova, Head of the European Union Erasmus+ Program in Uzbekistan, Diyor Umarov, Head of the International Cooperation Department, Professor Ellen Haselcorn, international expert in the field of higher education gave speeches.

A special place at the seminar was occupied by presentations devoted to the concept of international QS and THE rankings, their relevance, as well as the determining criteria for the quality of success in the global higher education system. International experts spoke in detail about ways to increase the activity of higher educational institutions in the country to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the positive impact of this activity on entering the international QS and THE rankings, as well as areas that should be paid attention to when entering the designated international rankings. During the meeting with the participants, the rich experience of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan in entering international rankings was shared.

We wish Hero Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar, who create opportunities for international cooperation and exchange of mutual experience in order to further improve the country’s science and education system, sound health, long life, success in all their state activities!