Olympiads in foreign languages are announced among students of grades XI-XII of secondary schools of Turkmenistan

​​Guided by the instructions of the Honorable President of Turkmenistan to create all conditions for youth to thoroughly study world languages, engage in literature and art, and regularly hold creative competitions among them

In order to contribute to the implementation of the tasks arising from the “State Program of the State Policy for Youth in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025”, the “Concept of Improving the Methodology of Teaching General Education Programs in Turkmenistan until 2028”,

Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages announces the following Olympiads in foreign languages ​​among pupils of the 11th and 12th forms of general education secondary schools of Turkmenistan in 2025, which is declared the “Year of International Peace and Trust”:

  • in German language            15.03.2025ý.
  • in English language            29.03.2025ý.
  • in French language              05.04.2025ý.
  • in Turkmen language          19.04.2025ý.
  • in Russian language            03.05.2025ý.

For more information, visit https://datmddi.edu.tm